
Everyone says that you won't fully know your significant other until you live together and they are correct. Arguments when you don't live together to when you live in the same household are different. When a couple argues in their household there's always the possibility that it will turn physical. This was my fear when I moved in with my fiancé since he is the only person I know in this state. If my fiancé were to hit me I would feel stuck because I wouldn't have my family to rescue me. When my fiancé and I started to have our first arguments I was scared he was going to turn abusive. Part of me knew my fiancé would never put his hands on me but there was a small amount of doubt in my mind. I've come to learn that my fiancé will never put his hands on me. Even when we have disagreements he is respectful towards me and always so gentle with my feelings. My fiancé and I have a lot more years ahead of us but I get peace in mind knowing that he loves me way more than I think. 


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