My Husband Family

​I miss my family. It’s 1:28 am, Monday May 29 ,2023 and I really miss my family. It’s been a week or two since I finally confirmed that my husband's family did not like me. I always felt that they did not accept me, but it was different hearing a confirmation. Their ideas about me hurt. Their judgment about me is based on a 2-hour interaction they’ve had with me the 2 years that we’ve lived in North Carolina. 

How there they make assumptions that I don’t clean, cook, attend my husband when they have never seen any aspect from me. They do not know what my day to day life is like. To which they have never asked but somehow know my whole life story? How there they say they love/care their brother/son by talking bad about me. How there they have so much negativity within our marriage when none of them knows what it’s like to have a healthy communication marriage. How there they say that they cannot prove our marriage is healthy unless we go to marriage counseling. How there they have so much judgments in our marriage when they have not spent more than 2 hours with us. How there they take such offense that my husband and I have a joint bank account. How there they think I am the reason why they do not spent time with their son. How there they say I abuse my husband.

Doesn’t that make you angry? How they feel so entitled to bring a person down but not any person, the person who they say they love/care wife. How can they think that I am a bad person for my husband when they do not see they are the ones bringing him down. 

I am the victim in this situation but somehow it feels like they are. As if I am the one hurting them. They are playing the victim role very well. They do not see how toxic they are for my husband because all they know is how to be a victim.

My husband says to not worry about it but I do not like the position he has to take. It seems like he has to choose sides when in reality they are the ones creating the division. It seems that they want my husband to choose them over me but that’s not going to happen. I would never put my husband in that situation as I’ve always encourage him to spend more time with them. 

My family had their ideas of my husband like any person does but they at least took their time to get to know him. They had the decency to ask him questions and hang out with him instead of judging. My family is not perfect but they at least give him respect as he is my husband. 

The next sentence should be “I wish his family would give me the chance”  but I refuse to give them my precious time. They do not deserve to be around me. I am choosing to stay away from them as much as I can.


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